Privacy Policy


The RSEA Group of companies, including without limitation RSEA Pty Ltd and Safety and Apparel Limited, respects the privacy of individuals by treating all personal information or personal data as confidential and by handling it in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Australia), the Australian Privacy Principles. During the course of its activities, RSEA will collect, use and disclose personal information from:

  • Customers, account holders and loyalty members;
  • Visitors to our website;
  • Suppliers;
  • Employees; and
  • People who enter trade promotions conducted by RSEA.

Use and disclosure of information collected by RSEA

The information collected may include:

  • Personal details you provide us with when you visit our stores (in person or online), enter our trade promotions, create accounts with us, hire products from us;
  • Your name, gender, address, telephone number/s, drivers licence, email address; merchandise information (purchases, orders etc) and payment methods
  • Details of website usage from visitors to our website.

You may decide not to provide your personal information to us. However, if you do not provide it, we may not be able to provide you with access to certain information, products, or services.

We do not store your credit card details in any way; they are secured by payment gateway encryption and transmitted directly by you to our payment processing provider.

We may disclose your personal information or data to:

  • Members of the RSEA Group of companies;
  • third parties that perform services on our behalf, such as delivery companies, data entry, processing or storage service providers, trade promotion or gift card administration and account management providers;
  • professional advisers (such as lawyers or auditors);
  • payment systems operators and financial institutions;
  • organisations authorised by RSEA to conduct promotional, research or marketing activities;
  • upon lawful request from law enforcement agencies or government authorities; and
  • any persons acting on your behalf including those persons nominated by you, executors, trustees and legal representatives;

but RSEA will not authorise those companies to use your personal information for any other purpose, or anyone else to use your personal information unless required or authorised by law.

RSEA may use your information to:

    • communicate with you;
    • provide services and products from you and process transactions;
    • provide customer service;
    • administer your account;
    • conduct credit, reference and other checks;
    • for RSEA’s own internal purposes (such as risk management, staff training and billing);
    • due diligence;
    • prevent, detect and investigating fraud
    • contact tracing
    • undertake necessary contact tracing
    • order and receive supplies from you;
    • receive or make payments from/to you;
    • manage your loyalty rewards;
    • manage your gift card balance;
    • help RSEA develop its website to be more specific to Customers’ needs and user friendly;
    • meet our legal obligations;
    • consider making offers for employment purposes;
    • manage and resolve any legal, consumer or commercial complaints and issues;
    • advise you about upcoming sales, specials, events, promotions; and
    • for any other use which you authorise from time to time.

In addition, RSEA may also use your information to promote and market its products and services, or the products and services of others. However, RSEA will not do this by email or SMS (except as part of an email which facilitates, completes or confirms a transaction with you) unless we have your consent to do so. These emails and SMS’ will include an “unsubscribe” facility. Alternatively, if you no longer wish to receive emails or SMS, you can contact us by phoning us or emailing us, details of which are available on the “Contact Us” page of our website.

Overseas disclosure

Your personal information or data may be disclosed to other RSEA entities, business partners and service providers in Australia and overseas for the reason and limited purpose explained below.

The countries this information may be disclosed to will vary from time to time, but may include Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America.

Sometimes we use third party platforms and services to process sales, provide web support, send marketing messages, deliver products, store data or otherwise deliver information. These services are hosted and managed by organisations other than ourselves, and some of these services are hosted overseas.

We use products and services maintained in Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America.


RSEA may use cookies to collect information from you. Cookies identify a particular computer to RSEA's server. RSEA may use the information collected in this way to provide the user of that computer with a personalised experience of RSEA's website. Your browser may allow you to disable cookies. If you do this, your experience of the RSEA website will not be personalised.

Security of your Information

We use industry-standard safeguards to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, however, we accept no responsibility for any loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, alteration or destruction of personal information which you submit to RSEA.

Access to or deletion of your information 

You can gain access to, or request deletion of, your information by written request. That request or any inquiry about RSEA's privacy policy should be sent to the following address: RSEA will endeavour to deal with your request or inquiry as soon as is reasonably possible providing of course that we are able to adequately identify you. We will only delete your personal information where RSEA no longer needs the information for any purpose for which it may be used or disclosed as set out in this policy and RSEA is not required by law or a court/tribunal order to retain the information.

Updates to your information

If your information changes or you discover that information held by RSEA is otherwise incorrect, please contact RSEA on 132 100 or via our Contact Us page on our website at and RSEA will endeavour to update and correct the information. RSEA may also contact you from time to time to check that your information is still accurate.

Changes to our policy

RSEA's handling of any information it collects from you (including information previously collected) will be governed by the most current version of this policy. Please check this policy regularly.

How you can notify us of a privacy concern or contact our Privacy Contact Officer

If you:

  • have queries, concerns or complaints about the manner in which your personal information has been collected or handled by RSEA; or
  • would like to request access to or correction of the personal information we hold about you,

please write to:

The Privacy Officer, Legal Department, RSEA, Tenancy B, Ground Floor/1601 Malvern Road, Glen Iris 3146 Victoria Australia

Or phone: 132 100

You can also contact RSEA by visiting the Contact Us page on our website at

If you consider your privacy concerns have not been resolved satisfactorily by us, or you wish to obtain more information on privacy requirements, you can contact: The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992 or visit their website at

Updated 31 October 2023